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"it started in a hospital,
getting news no-one should ever hear,
i was frozen to the spot.
i was frozen for another few years."
the next new low began with life changing news .
the songs mainly deal with the
the fragility of existance.
its not without humour.
playing live is aways a joy .
to laugh and cry at the same time.
brian mooney has been writing songs for decades.
frontman with the now legendary dublin band The Idiots in the 90s , brian has played live and recorded with
David Kitt, Wallis Bird, Little Green Cars, Conor O'Brien,
Faye O'Rourke, Glen Hansard and a host of others over the years.
He released artists such as Jape, The Redneck Manifesto,
Si Schroeder and Beautiful Unit on his record label
trust me I'm a thief
recent gigs have included support to Villagers, all together now Festival and the metronome series in the national concert hall.